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PanPastel Mixed Media Pads
Specifically designed for pan pastels, this pad also accommodates various other media.
Arteza Watercolor Paper Sketchbook
Ideal for watercolors, it's also suitable for mixed media pieces requiring paper that supports layering.
X-Press It Mixed Media Pad
Specially crafted for alcohol markers and other mixed media applications.
Pencil Works Mixed Media Pad
Perfect for graphite, color pencils, and versatile enough for other media.
Copic Mixed Media Notebook
Engineered for artists who primarily work with Copic markers alongside other media.
Shinhan Pass Mixed Media Pad
Quality paper designed specifically for mixed media techniques, from watercolor to ink.
Epsilon Mixed Media Sketch Book
A lightweight sketchbook specifically designed for mixed media artists.
Pacon Mixed Media Pad
A student-friendly pad with both textured and smooth surfaces for creativity.