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A smooth, liquid clay slip for creating an even surface for applying underglaze.
A comprehensive set of tools for surface preparation and detailing before underglaze.
A creative book filled with ideas and templates for applying underglazes on ceramic pieces.
A specially formulated medium that enhances the adhesion of underglaze to bisque ware.
Unique spray bottles useful for misting surfaces during underglaze preparation.
A handheld light that helps inspect surfaces for imperfections before applying underglaze.
A drop cloth that protects surfaces from underglaze spills during application.
A set of fine brushes specifically designed for detailed surface preparation before underglaze application.
Durable gloves designed to protect hands from stains while applying underglaze.
A pad with diamond compound for perfecting surfaces and smoothing before underglaze application.
A kit for testing various underfiring techniques before applying underglaze to final pieces.
Small test tiles for experimenting with colors and application techniques before the final project.
A clear sealer that protects underglaze from smudging and enhances color vibrancy.
Extra fine grit sandpaper for providing a glass-like finish on clay surfaces prepped for underglaze.
A wax resist for creating design areas that will remain unglazed after firing.
Rollers designed for an exceptionally smooth underglaze application over larger surfaces.
Innovative tool for mixing underglaze colors to achieve desired shades and textures.